MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The Philippine Supreme Court has disbarred a lawyer for issuing bounced checks and failing to pay her debts, marking her second offense for similar misconduct.

In a decision promulgated May 21, 2024, the high court found Atty. Elerizza A. Libiran-Meteoro guilty of gross misconduct for issuing two worthless checks totaling 245,000 pesos to obtain a personal loan in 2012.

The checks were dishonored due to insufficient funds and a closed account when deposited. Libiran-Meteoro then ignored demands for payment from the lender.

The court noted this was Libiran-Meteoro’s second offense, as she was previously suspended for six months in 2014 for issuing bounced checks in a similar scheme.

“Enough is enough,” the court said in its decision. “Allowing her to remain a member of the Bar discredits and puts into disrepute the legal profession.”

The court ordered Libiran-Meteoro’s name stricken from the Roll of Attorneys, effective immediately. She was also fined 35,000 pesos for failing to update her contact information with the Integrated Bar of the Philippines.

The decision emphasized that lawyers are held to high standards of morality and integrity as officers of the court. It said Libiran-Meteoro’s repeated fraudulent acts made her unfit to practice law.

The disbarment is the harshest penalty that can be imposed on lawyers in the Philippines.

The court said it was warranted given the aggravating circumstance of a previous offense for similar misconduct.