The 95-year-old British Queen was hospitalized, but she returned to Windsor Castle overnight on Wednesday.

Queen Elizabeth II is Britain’s longest-reigning monarch in history.

She became Queen in 1952 at the age of 26, at a time when the Cold War began. Her coronation ceremony was the first to be broadcast live on television. Over 27 million people in UK watched the ceremony.

At a time when the British Empire’s global influence declined amid decolonization after World War II, she helped build “special relationships” between the UK and its former territories or colonies by founding the Commonwealth of Nations. Countries like South Africa and India remained in the special ties with the UK for decades, and countries like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand accept Queen Elizabeth as their head of state.

In 1980s, over 40 countries, formerly part of the British Empire, have gained independence during the queen’s reign. Most of them did not recognize Queen as their head of state.

In late 1984, the UK agreed to return Hong Kong to China beginning July 1, 1997.

In 1986, Elizabeth became the first British monarch to visit the Chinese mainland. She toured in Xi’an’s army of terracotta warriors, climbed the Great Wall in Beijing, and visited Kunming, Guangzhou, and Shanghai.

The Queen is the best travelled monarch. She has travelled over 1,032,513 miles as Queen for diplomatic duties, equivalent to 42 journeys around the entire circumference of the Earth.

Hope she can be healthy and witness more great milestones of human history! #TheQueen #hongkong #greatwall #TerracottaWarriors