MANILA – Government forces raided several houses and a resort owned by Negros Oriental 3rd District Representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. on Thursday, March 10, following his alleged involvement in the killing of Governor Roel Degamo.

Troops of the 11th Infantry Battalion of the Army’s 3rd Infantry (Spearhead) Division, along with members of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) and the Philippine National Police Special Action Force (PNP SAF), conducted joint law enforcement operations at identified properties of Teves in Bayawan City and Basay town.

The operations were covered by two search warrants for alleged illegal possession of explosives, unlicensed firearms, and ammunition. The raid resulted in the arrest of five personalities and the recovery of six high-powered firearms, a shotgun, eight short firearms, and other war items.

Teves is currently abroad for stem cell treatment and has requested for an extension of his travel authority which ended on March 9. He has denied any involvement in Degamo’s death and said he was willing to face any charges against him.

On Tuesday, March 7, CIDG filed three counts of murder against Teves for allegedly being the mastermind behind a killing incident in Barangay Tinaogan in Bindoy town on October 25, 2019 that left three people dead.

On Thursday, March 9, two suspects in Degamo’s assassination named a certain “Cong Teves” as the person behind the fatal attack against the local official. Degamo was shot dead by motorcycle-riding gunmen outside his residence in Dumaguete City on Monday morning.

In his statement, 3ID Commander BGen Marion R Sison said that the successful operations affirmed that the government forces were serious in their pursuit to dismantle private armed groups (PAGs) operating in the region.

“This is a stern warning to those still at large; eventually, the long arm of
the law will catch you down and put you behind bars of justice,” BGen Sison said.

BGen Sison also lauded the relentless joint effort of the Spearhead Troopers and
the law enforcement agencies,
which was instrumental to
the successful execution
of said law enforcement operations.

“Your Army will continue to support
the PNP in its effort to fast-track
the resolution of the case and other law enforcement efforts, including
the dismantling of PAGs
in the province,” BGen Sison said.