The Civil Service Commission (CSC) has announced a new scheme to help government workers who have been in the service for at least 10 years and have acquired relevant knowledge and skills but do not possess the appropriate civil service eligibility.

The scheme, called the Grant of Career Service Eligibility – Preference Rating (CSE-PR), allows qualified applicants to add a maximum of 10 points to their failed rating range (70.00 to 79.99) in Career Service Examinations (CSEs), thereby achieving the passing rate of 80.00 and obtaining Career Service Professional or Subprofessional eligibility.

The CSE-PR is granted under CSC Resolution No. 2301123 promulgated on 7 December 2023, which aims to recognize the contributions of long-serving government workers who have demonstrated competence and dedication in public service.

CSC Chairperson Karlo Nograles said that the CSE-PR is a way of rewarding the government workers who have been loyal and committed to their duties despite not having the required civil service eligibility.

“In recognition of these government workers who have already contributed so much in our efforts to provide efficient public service, the CSC has resolved to grant them with CSE preference rating under specific conditions,” he said.

Nograles added that the CSE-PR is not a substitute for the regular CSE, but rather a supplementary measure to help qualified workers attain civil service eligibility.

He also clarified that the CSE-PR is not applicable to those who have never taken the CSE, those who have taken the CSE but obtained a rating below 70.00, and those who are already holders of any civil service eligibility.

The CSC said that the CSE-PR is open to all government workers who meet the following criteria:

  • They must have rendered at least 10 years of continuous and satisfactory service in the government as of 31 December 2023;
  • They must have taken any of the CSEs (Professional or Subprofessional level) conducted by the CSC from 2018 to 2023 and obtained a rating within the failed range of 70.00 to 79.99;
  • They must have completed at least 72 units of college education for Professional level, or at least high school graduate or completed the Alternative Learning System (ALS) for Subprofessional level;
  • They must have attended relevant training programs or earned relevant certifications related to their current position or function;
  • They must have no pending administrative or criminal case, or have not been found guilty of any administrative or criminal offense involving moral turpitude.

The CSC said that interested applicants may file their application for the CSE-PR from 1 February to 31 March 2024 at the CSC Regional Office or Field Office having jurisdiction over their agency.

The applicants must submit the following documents:

  • Duly accomplished Application Form (CS Form No. 101-D, Revised September 2016), which can be downloaded from the CSC website;
  • Original and photocopy of any valid and existing identification card with picture and signature of the applicant;
  • Original and photocopy of the Report of Rating or Certification of Rating issued by the CSC for the CSE taken from 2018 to 2023;
  • Original and photocopy of Transcript of Records or Diploma for Professional level, or Certificate of Completion of ALS or High School Diploma for Subprofessional level;
  • Original and photocopy of Certificate of Attendance or Completion for relevant training programs, or Certificate of Competency or Proficiency for relevant certifications;
  • Certification from the authorized agency official on the applicant’s length of service, position, and performance rating for the last two rating periods prior to the application;
  • Affidavit of Undertaking that the applicant has no pending administrative or criminal case, or has not been found guilty of any administrative or criminal offense involving moral turpitude.

The CSC said that the processing fee for the CSE-PR is P500.00, which shall be paid upon filing of application.

The CSC also said that the grant of CSE-PR shall be subject to verification and approval by the CSC.

The CSC advised the applicants to visit the CSC website or contact the nearest CSC Regional or Field Office for more information and updates on the CSE-PR.