QUEZON CITY, Philippines — On a bustling Saturday afternoon (April 13, 2024), a modern jeepney unit of the Liga ng Transportasyon at Operators sa Pilipinas (LTOP) was parked outside Dapo Restaurant and Bar, attracting the attention of passersby with its blend of tradition and modernity.

The jeepney, a symbol of Filipino ingenuity and a staple of public transportation in the Philippines, has undergone various transformations over the years. However, the LTOP, led by its president, Orlando Marquez, is advocating for a return to its roots.

Marquez, who was one of the guests at the Saturday News Forum at Dapo Restaurant, emphasized the importance of locally made units. He argued that manufacturers should retain the traditional look of the jeepney, a design that has become an iconic representation of Filipino culture.

“The jeepney is more than just a vehicle; it’s a symbol of our national identity,” Marquez said. “While we embrace modernization, we should not forget our roots. We should continue to produce and purchase locally made units that retain the traditional look.”

The modern jeepney unit displayed outside the restaurant was a testament to Marquez’s words. It showcased how tradition could coexist with modernity, serving as a reminder of the country’s rich cultural heritage while adapting to the demands of the present.

The LTOP’s advocacy for local production resonates with the broader push for sustainable and inclusive growth in the Philippines. By supporting local manufacturers, the organization hopes to stimulate the domestic economy, create jobs, and promote the country’s cultural heritage.

As the sun set on Quezon City, the modern jeepney unit of the LTOP remained a beacon of tradition amidst the city’s modern landscape. It stood as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the Filipino spirit, ready to journey into the future while carrying the echoes of the past. – PNA photos by Robert Oswald P. Alfiler