MANILA — Senator Bong Go on August 10 dismissed as “rehashed” and “politically motivated” accusations filed by Senator Antonio Trillanes IV, a longtime critic of the Duterte administration, regarding the Philippine Navy’s frigate acquisition project.

In a statement, Mr. Go, a close ally of President Rodrigo Duterte, said that Mr. Trillanes’s latest move was a “clear case of destructive politics” and a “sure sign of desperation” to malign him and the former president.

Mr. Go pointed out that the issue had been thoroughly investigated by the Senate Committee on National Defense in 2018, which found no anomalies or irregularities in the project. He also cited statements from former Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana and high-ranking military officials, who had all denied any involvement or interference by Mr. Go in the project.

“This issue has been put to rest, and it’s time to move on,” Mr. Go said. “I welcome these moves to finally put an end to these lies, but I will not be swayed from my duties as a senator to serve the Filipino people.”

Mr. Go also turned the tables on Mr. Trillanes, suggesting that he was the one who was guilty of politicking and had a history of making baseless accusations. He also raised questions about Mr. Trillanes’s own family’s business dealings with the government.

The latest accusations by Mr. Trillanes come as the Philippines gears up for elections, and analysts say that the move is likely aimed at damaging Mr. Go’s reputation and that of the Duterte administration.

Mr. Go, who was elected senator in 2019, has been a vocal supporter of Mr. Duterte’s policies and has been mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in the future.