Dogs inside DA7 compound undergo microchipping

Some ten community dogs within the regional office of the Department of Agriculture-Central Visayas (DA7) in Mandaue City, Cebu were implanted with a microchip as part of the services offered during the Animal Welfare Week celebration.

Dr. Daniel Ventura, a veterinarian and assistant Regulatory Division Chief of DA7, said the microchips implanted to the 10 community dogs of the compound were donations of Dr. Wilfred John L. Salvador.

Microchippping is a technology wherein a small chip about the size of a rice grain is being implanted on the skin of a dog or cat that bears a unique number that contains the registered identification of the pet and its owners, as well as history of vaccination. The chip has a special features that can be read by a scanner and can trace the trace whereabouts of the pet.

Aside from the 10 animals being microchipped, some 29 canine (dogs) and 38 feline (cats) were spayed and neutered.

Dr. Ventura, encouraged pet owners to have their pets registered, vaccinated and microchipped which is specified under the law. This help promotes responsible pet ownership.