It is unfortunate that some of our own colleagues in the medical profession subscribe to conspiracy theories and engage in sensationalist propaganda without citing proper evidence. Their credentials as doctors and their willingess to unwittingly drag their institutions into the fray is confusing the public and affecting vaccine confidence. This will ultimately cost lives and prolong the pandemic.

All COVID-19 vaccines being used in the country are SAFE AND EFFECTIVE.

4.54 BILLION DOSES of COVID-19 vaccines worldwide have been given. Severe side effects are EXTREMELY RARE and only a handful of adverse reactions are being investigated as having possibly contributed to the death of a patient.

In contrast, 205 million people have been sickened by COVID-19 and 4.3 million people have DIED.

Vaccination is the only acceptable solution to this pandemic. Vaccines are a public good that have already saved millions of lives. Please get vaccinated to protect yourself and others. Stay safe. (Source: Facebook Page of Dr. Salvana)