The German Ambassador to the Philippines, Dr. Andreas Pfaffernoschke, visited a fishing community in Cordova, Mactan, Cebu on Sunday, September 17, 2023.

He was accompanied by representatives from the AFOS Foundation – Philippines, a non-governmental organization that implements the FISH Visayas project funded by the German government.

The FISH Visayas project aims to improve the income situation of fisherfolk and their families through sustainable value chains.

The project provides training, equipment, and market linkages to small-scale fishers and fish processors in four provinces: Cebu, Bohol, Negros Oriental, and Siquijor. The project also promotes the conservation and management of marine resources and ecosystems.

The German government has been supporting the initiative since 2019 with more than Php 250 million.

According to Dr. Pfaffernoschke, Germany is committed to helping the Philippines achieve its development goals, especially in the areas of poverty reduction and sustainability.

people riding a boat on ocean
Photo by Ryan Verances on

He expressed his admiration for the resilience and hard work of the fisherfolk in Cordova, who have been coping with the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent typhoons. He also praised the AFOS Foundation for its effective and efficient implementation of the project.

The FISH Visayas project is expected to benefit more than 10,000 fisherfolk and their families by 2025. It is part of the German Development Cooperation’s support to the Philippine fisheries sector, which also includes projects on aquaculture, coastal resource management, and marine protected areas.