Dia Mirza, the UN Environment Programme Goodwill Ambassador and SDG Advocate, has launched a campaign to raise awareness and inspire action for a healthy planet. The campaign, called #ActNow, encourages people to take simple steps to reduce their environmental impact and share their actions on social media.

Mirza, who is also an actress, producer and social activist, said that she was motivated by the alarming state of the planet and the need for urgent climate action. She said, “We are living in a critical time for our planet. The climate crisis, nature and biodiversity loss and pollution are threatening our health, our livelihoods and our future. We need to act now to protect what we love and ensure a sustainable future for all.”

The #ActNow campaign is part of the UN’s wider efforts to mobilize global action for the environment and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The campaign invites people to take actions such as switching to renewable energy, eating plant-based food, avoiding single-use plastics, planting trees, conserving water and supporting local communities. Mirza said that these actions can make a difference and inspire others to join the movement.

She said, “Every action counts. No matter how big or small, we can all do something to make a positive impact on our planet. By sharing our actions on social media with the hashtag #ActNow, we can also spread the message and motivate more people to join us. Together, we can create a wave of change and show that we care for our planet.”

Mirza has been a vocal advocate for environmental issues and has participated in various initiatives and events related to the UN Environment Programme. She has also produced and starred in films and web series that highlight social and environmental themes. She said that she hopes to use her platform and influence to raise awareness and inspire action for a healthy planet.

She said, “As an artist and a citizen, I feel a responsibility to use my voice and my creativity to speak up for the environment and the SDGs. I believe that art can be a powerful tool to communicate complex issues and spark emotions and empathy. I hope that through my work and my campaign, I can reach out to more people and inspire them to #ActNow for a healthy planet.”