The Bureau of Customs-Legazpi, in partnership with the Department of Trade and Industry and the Philippine Ports Authority, hosted a forum on Trade and Logistics Direct to Bicol Region on September 11, 2023. The forum aimed to promote the benefits of containerized shipments for the Bicol Region, which has a huge potential to become a hub for trade and logistics activities.

According to Commissioner Bienvenido Rubio, who ordered the conduct of the forum, Bicol’s products currently go through Manila, which results in high logistics cost and delays. However, by having a vessel call in Bicol, exports can be directly transported to a global hub port, such as Singapore, which connects to 600 ports across 120 countries. This eliminates the need for shipments to pass through Manila, benefiting the exporters, particularly with regard to the logistics cost. The same applies to imports.

Mr. Marlon Isah De Guzman, General Manager of Eagle Express, as agent of Regional Container Lines (RCL) South Philippines, discussed how RCL operates a network of ports across Asia and supports port-to-port services, ensuring seamless transportation of cargoes between various ports. He also explained how RCL can help Bicol’s exporters and importers access the global market through direct shipments.

The containerized shipments are expected to increase the Port’s revenue collection, thus contributing to higher Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) for the Local Government Units (LGUs) in Bicol through the Mandanas-Garcia Ruling. The ruling states that LGUs should receive a share from all national taxes, not just from internal revenue taxes. Direct shipments to Bicol would also result in more affordable goods for consumers.

The forum was attended by importers, exporters, customs brokers, local enterprises and the academe. Government leaders were also present to show their support and commitment to trade and logistics development in the region. Furthermore, government agencies were present to inform the participants about the available support systems to empower them to maximize the region’s potential for their own growth and success.

The forum was part of the Bureau of Customs’ efforts to facilitate trade and enhance revenue collection in the country. The Bureau of Customs-Legazpi Collection District is headed by District Collector Atty. Ma. Lourdes Mangaoang.

Source: Bureau of Customs PH Bureau of Customs – Legazpi Collection District Facebook Page