CAMP MELCHOR F DELA CRUZ, Upi, Gamu, Isabela- The Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) and its allies were declared Persona Non-Grata in all provinces, municipalities, and barangays of the Cagayan Valley Region.

In a live conference of the members of Joint Regional Task Force-End Local Communist Armed Conflict (JRTF-ELCAC), MGen Laurence E Mina, Commander of 5th Infantry Division, said that the people of the Cagayan Valley region are now awakened to the atrocities and deceptions of the CTGs and its terrorist front organizations. “The five provinces of Region 02, its 89 municipalities & cities, 2,367 barangays declared the terrorist Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army-National Democratic Front as Persona Non-Grata. 100% that the locals are now repelling the terrorist group. This is a very great start for the year 2022, where the people and the government united to fight the CTGs.”

Region 2 bans CTGs, allies; declaration of PNG 100%

The data was backed up by the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Region 02 as the secretariat of the RTF-ELCAC. Ms. Catherine G. Allam-Miranda, Division Chief of the Local Government Capability Development. She said that based on their assessment, the unity shown by the locals in keeping away from the CTGs is due to the good governance of the Local Chief Executives and its Sanggunian Members. “We have conducted lectures, seminars about Local Peace Engagement in every cluster. Ito ay hakbang para magkaroon ng interaction for negotiation ang mga Local Government Units sa mga miyembro ng terrorist front organizations and eventually reaching the armed members. Dahil sa naging resulta nito, ang Local Peace Engagement ay naging isang epektibong paraan upang makamit natin ang 100 percent declaration ng Persona Non-Grata laban sa CTG.”

MGen Mina then recognized the active participation of all the agencies concerned and the people of Region 02 in ending local communist armed conflict.

“We have done what we can to end insurgency, and I am confident that we will continue reaching the people, especially in the far-flung areas, to give them assistance under the Retooled Community Support Program that the Whole-of-Nation Approach empowered. You will reap what you have sowed for the locals in Cagayan Valley. The progress is coming it’s way straight to your community. Thank you for giving us support and for trusting us.”

“The downfall of the Communist NPA Terrorist is nearing, and I am certain that they cannot afford to celebrate the upcoming NPA anniversary. They are losing track and low morale as the people are awakened to their selfish interests and atrocities. The CNTs are desperate to regain their strength, but with the unity and cooperation of their former comrades, marginalized sectors, victims, and the government, we will not give them a chance to sow fear against the people. It is a Whole-of-Nation Approach against the local communist armed conflict. We are now winning peace and prosperity in every community,” the general ended.