Working from home can be a great opportunity for many moms who want to pursue their passions and dreams while taking care of their families. However, working from home also comes with its own challenges and temptations. How do you stay focused and motivated when you have so many distractions and responsibilities at home? How do you maintain your professional image and credibility when you don’t have to interact with anyone face-to-face? How do you avoid falling into the trap of procrastination and laziness when you have no one to supervise or monitor your work?

As a brilliant and professional writer, I have been working from home for several years. I have learned that one of the most important factors that influence my productivity and performance is the way I dress. Yes, you heard me right. The way I dress affects the way I work. And I’m not the only one who thinks so. There is scientific evidence that shows that what we wear can influence our mood, behavior, and cognition. This phenomenon is called “enclothed cognition” .

Enclothed cognition means that the clothes we wear can activate certain associations and expectations in our minds, which can then affect our actions and outcomes. For example, wearing a white coat can make us feel more attentive and careful, because we associate it with doctors or scientists . Wearing a suit can make us feel more confident and authoritative, because we associate it with leaders or executives . Wearing a uniform can make us feel more loyal and cooperative, because we associate it with belonging to a group or a team .

So, what does this mean for work from home moms? It means that dressing for success even when working from home can help us boost our self-discipline, motivation, and creativity. It can help us create a mental distinction between work and home, which can reduce stress and increase satisfaction. It can help us project a professional image and reputation, which can enhance our credibility and trustworthiness.

In this blog post, I will share with you some of the tips and tricks that have helped me dress for success even when working from home. These are not rules or standards that you have to follow blindly, but rather guidelines that you can adapt to your own personality, style, and preferences. The goal is to find a way of dressing that makes you feel comfortable and confident, while also reflecting your professionalism and competence.

Tip #1: Dress for your role

One of the first things you need to consider when dressing for success even when working from home is your role. What kind of work do you do? Who are your clients or customers? What are their expectations and preferences? How do you want to present yourself to them?

Depending on your role, you may need to dress differently. For example, if you are an internet marketer, a freelance writer, a blogger, an online coach, or a virtual assistant, you may not need to dress formally or conservatively, because most of your work is done online and you rarely have face-to-face interactions with your clients or customers. However, you may still want to dress smartly and casually, because it can make you feel more productive and creative. You may also want to dress appropriately for any video calls or conferences that you may have, because it can make you look more professional and trustworthy.

On the other hand, if you are involved in MLM (multi-level marketing), such as Mary Kay, The Pampered Chef, Avon, or similar businesses, you may need to dress more formally and elegantly, because most of your work involves meeting clients or customers in person or hosting product shows or parties. In this case, dressing for success means dressing for impression. You want to look like someone who knows what they are talking about and who has a successful business. You also want to inspire others to join your team or buy your products.

Tip #2: Dress for your mood

Another thing you need to consider when dressing for success even when working from home is your mood. How do you feel today? What kind of energy do you want to bring to your work? What kind of message do you want to send to yourself and others?

woman in red long sleeve shirt looking at her laptop
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Depending on your mood, you may need to dress differently. For example, if you are feeling low or tired, you may want to dress in bright or cheerful colors, because they can lift your spirits and make you feel more optimistic . If you are feeling stressed or anxious, you may want to dress in soothing or calming colors, because they can relax your mind and body . If you are feeling bored or uninspired, you may want to dress in bold or creative patterns or accessories, because they can stimulate your imagination and spark your curiosity .

Tip #3: Dress for your comfort

The last thing you need to consider when dressing for success even when working from home is your comfort. How comfortable are you in the clothes that you wear? Do they fit well and flatter your body shape? Do they allow you to move freely and breathe easily? Do they suit your climate and temperature?

Depending on your comfort, you may need to dress differently. For example, if you are working from home in a hot or humid environment, you may want to dress in light or breathable fabrics, such as cotton or linen, because they can keep you cool and fresh . If you are working from home in a cold or dry environment, you may want to dress in warm or cozy fabrics, such as wool or fleece, because they can keep you snug and comfortable . If you are working from home in a noisy or busy environment, you may want to dress in simple or minimalistic styles, because they can reduce your sensory overload and help you focus .


Dressing for success even when working from home can have a positive impact on your work performance and satisfaction. By dressing for your role, your mood, and your comfort, you can create a work wardrobe that suits your needs and goals, while also expressing your personality and style.

I hope these tips have been useful for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. I would love to hear from you.

Thank you for reading this blog post. I wish you all the best in your work from home journey.