A Filipino traveler named Jonathan Enerva has embarked on a journey to retrace the footsteps of Ferdinand Magellan, the Portuguese explorer who led the first circumnavigation of the world and rediscovered the Philippines in 1521. Enerva visited various historical and cultural sites in Portugal and Spain that are connected to Magellan’s life and expedition.

Enerva started his trip in Lisbon, Portugal, where he explored the Jeronimos Monastery, the Monument to the Discoveries, and the Belem Tower. He also visited the town of Sabrosa, where Magellan was born, and the town of Vila Nova de Gaia, where Magellan married his first wife. He then crossed the border to Spain, where he visited Seville, the city where Magellan prepared his fleet and departed for his voyage.

“I have always been fascinated by Magellan and his role in Philippine history. I wanted to see for myself the places where he lived, worked, and sailed. I wanted to learn more about his achievements and challenges. I wanted to honor his legacy and celebrate his 500th anniversary,” Enerva said.

Enerva also took a detour to Fatima, Portugal, where he visited the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, who appeared to three shepherd children in 1917. He said that he was inspired by his Catholic faith and wanted to pay homage to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Enerva ended his trip by visiting the Maritime Museum in Lisbon, where he saw various exhibits and artifacts related to Magellan and his fleet. He said that he was impressed by the museum’s collection and bought some souvenirs to remember his trip.

Enerva said that he plans to continue his journey by visiting Cebu City and Lapu Lapu City in the Philippines in 2023, where he will witness the Sinulog Festival and the Battle of Mactan reenactment. He said that he hopes to complete his quest of following Magellan’s shadow around the world.